
James-Lien (Motor Spare Parts) Centre Ltd.,一直以來為香港、澳門及中國的客戶提供規格完善的優質正廠零件。

James-Lien (Motor Spare Parts) Centre Ltd.採用先進電腦化管理,倉庫佔地3,000平方米,貯存所銷售之汽車製造商的正廠 零件超越十五萬項,總值高達千萬港元,零件即時供應率超過95%,直接方便,準確控 制銷存,而且在強大的物流管理支援下,零件供應最能滿足客戶需要。

英國名車品牌零件包括:積架(捷豹), 丹拿, 雅士頓馬田, 越野路華(陸虎), 蓮花, 路華, 勞斯萊斯, 賓利等正廠零件

歡迎客人訂購各種原廠零件, 改裝部品!

High-quality genuine part
James-Lien (Motor Spare Parts) Centre Ltd has offered the high-quality genuine parts with perfect specification to the customers of Hong Kong, Macao and China all the time.
James-Lien (Motor Spare Parts) Centre Ltd adopts the advanced computerization to manage, our warehouse covers an area of 3,000 square meters and we store the genuine parts of 150,000 lines, total value up to ten million Hongkong dollars. Our first parts supply rate exceeds 95% and we offer accurate parts service. Under strong logistics management, we seldom fail in meeting customer demand.
Order the parts
Special order from UK factory for customer will normally be supplied within one week. Try our services!





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